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Chinese TaiJi Boxing中国太极拳

发表于 2009-11-18 20:32:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Three Principles of Chinese Taiji Boxing 中国太极拳的三大原则
Relaxation, tranquility and the state of being natural 放松、宁静和自然的精神状态
Mental State or Readiness for Playing Taiji Boxing练太极的精神状态
The player should first of all have a peaceful state of mind,feeling calm and relaxed and putting aside sundry thoughts having nothing to do with Taiji boxing so as to concentrate wholy on Taiji boxing. 首先,习太极者思想状态要平和放松,要把与太极无关的事情都抛到脑后,集中全身心的精力去练习太极。
Requirements for the Right Pose of the player
The Head 对头部的要求
Erect the neck naturally so that the head keeps erect upward as if against something on the top.This must be done relaxedly,unstrainedly and naturally.Do not shake the head casually or have it inclined to the left or right..Keep the head right in the middle.Try your best to keep a straight line from the head top to the middle of the hip in all playing movements,with only a few exceptions of forward bending poses out of the 24 postures. 颈部要求自然直立,以至于头部保持直力好象头顶有东西提着。要做到虚灵顶劲。这个动作要求尽量放松自然,不能紧张。不能随意摇动头部,也就是头既不能左摆,也不能右摆。要保持头部中正。在做整个运动的时候要尽量做到从头顶到臀部中间位置要保持一条直线,在24式里有几个向前弯曲的姿势是例外。
The Body 对身体的要求
1. Set the body in an upright ,natural pose.Do not incline the body forward or backward,nor to the right or to the left Do not strafighten up the back or throw out the chest. 要保持身体立身中正。不能向前,向后,向左,向右倾。不要使后背直立,挺胸。也就是说,要做到含胸拔背。
2. Note the important role or function of the Waist in directing every movement of playing. Every turn of the body relies on the waist,which determines the overall changes in the movements of the body,the hands and the feet as well.The waist regulates the centre of gravity of the human body or the point of balance in process of playing different 24 postures continually. It is the waist that conducts the movements of the arms and the hands through delivering energy to them in the form of Qi,which means flow of energy inside a human body. 最重要的是腰部的作用,腰就好比全身的指挥官。身体的每个转动都要靠腰来完成,它决定着身体其他部位运动的更改,例如:手,脚,身体。在打拳的过程中,腰调节人体的重心,或者说是调节人体的平衡。腰带动臂和手的运动,将能量以气的形式在人体内流动。
3. Keep the body upright comfortably;avoid the sticking-out of the belly or the hip;do not swing the hip right or left. 要保持身体中正舒适,要避免使肚子和臀部突出来,不要左又晃动臀部。
The Arms and the Shoulders

1, Keep the shoulders naturally relaxed while playing Taiji boxing all the way through,because any lift of shoulders will let Qi going upward, which is contrary to the principle of storing Qi in DanDian( somewhere in the lower part of the belly).Keep the elbows “sinking”(the joint is bent a bit downward towards the ground)except when the elbows are as high as the shoulders or a bit higher. 在练习太极的时候肩膀要保持放松,因为肩膀上抬气就会往上走,这就和运行规律相反了。要保持肘部下沉(关节弯曲的部位要对着地面方向向下低一点),当肘部同肩一样高时或者更高一点时除外。
2, Every movement of the arms,whether stretching or bent, must be accomplished in curves,not in straight lines. Learn to turn your arms or wrists inwardly or outwardly in slow motion while playing 24 postures. 每一个臂的动作,无论是弯曲还是伸直,都应该走弧线,而不是直线。在练拳时,要学会很慢的向内和向外转动胳膊和手腕。
3, Keep your palms in a natural shape with fingers naturally apart.Avoid stretching them stiffly. 要使手掌保持在很自然的状态。避免弯曲和拉伸它们。
The Legs 腿部的要求
1, Whatever the postures or movements, keep the knees bent a little(the knees should not surpass the tip of the toes) so as to sustain the weight of the body in movement,or in other word to keep the balance of gravity while the player shifts the centre of gr avity from one leg to the other.Keep the part between the waist and the thigh relaxed so as to be able to move legs and feet flexibly. 无论是做什么姿势和运动,都应该保持膝盖弯曲,以维持运动过程中身体的重量,换句话说,就是在重心转换的时候能够保持平衡。
2, Take light and deft steps like a cat trying to catch a mouse.Let the heel touch the ground first, then the full foot,avoiding making any noise.Take steps in such a way that the player obviously feels which foot sustains the weight of the body.Only in this way can the player move his body or position very flexibly and turn in whatever direction deftly as he intends.迈步的时候要轻,就像猫在抓一只老鼠。要让脚跟第一个先接触到地面,然后是整个脚,避免出任何声音。这样做是因为,可以让脚能承受整个身体的重量。只有用这种方法,练太极者才可以灵活的转向他想要去的方向。

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发表于 2009-11-18 20:40:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 1# wenlili8188 的帖子

姐。能不能有翻译的?  不懂就见不了了
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-18 22:08:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 2# 朱天民 的帖子

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发表于 2009-11-18 23:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
Very good!
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发表于 2009-11-19 06:45:00 | 显示全部楼层

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